What’s a closet staple you can’t live without? One of the pieces I absolutely love styling every single day is a biker jacket. A faux leather AFFORDABLE biker jacket to be exact. I’ve you have been following me for a while, you know I finished off so many looks with my favorite one from H&M, that’s how much I love it.
Since Memorial Day Weekend SALE(s) are almost here, I think today’s post is a perfect opportunity to make your shopping experience that much easier! Also, I’ve had my good ol’ H&M jacket (pictured below) for about 5 years now (best $50 even spent), and I think it’s time to do a little shopping myself!
In today’s post, I’m sharing some kick ass faux leather & affordable biker jacket options (all under $70, most around just $50), that I know you’ll love! Since H&M is always so good to me and carries such great selections all year round, most of the products linked are from that store. Another recent favorite of mine is BLANK NYC. If you love a biker style but are currently not looking for a (faux) leather jacket, check out more options below.
affordable Biker Jacket options
Bez ktorego elementu waszej kolecji modowej nie mozecie sie obejsc? Jesli czytacie mojego bloga juz od jakiegos czasu, to wiecie ze dla mnie jest to czarna ramoneska. Wlasciwie to ramoneska w jakimkolwiek kolorze i materiale.
Jako ze moja kurtka z H&M ma juz 5 lat (na zdjeciach powyzej), postanowilam ostatnio rozejzec sie za nowa, w podobnej cenie (ok. $50). W dzisiejszym poscie przedstawiam wam moje ulubione propozycje nad ktorymi kupnem sie sama zastanawiam! Ktora jest wasza ulubiona? Pomozcie!
That jacket is perfect on you! I love how these are such versatile layering pieces.
Abby | Life in the Fash Lane
It literally goes with everything! Casual or elegant. 😉
I’m also looking for some new perfecto motorcycle jacket. Yours is very pretty 🙂
Thanks, babe! I hope you’ll check these out!
I’m a huge fan of biker jackets. Yours looks amazing! I got mine at Massimo Dutti a couple years ago, it wasn’t super cheap but it’s not one of the pricey ones either.
Oh I need to check them out then!
Every girl needs a good biker jacket! H&M does a really good job with them!
Yes! I couldn’t agree more!
I always love these edgy black looks on you. That is a great moto jacket and you wear it so well!
I host a style linkup every Thursday and would love for you to share your latest posts. You have great style. Link is below.
Ada =)
Aw thank you so much, Ada! I’m so excited to hear you like what you’re seeing here! Have a great weekend! xo